Upcoming Casting
We are currently casting both acting and backstage roles for our next show 'Panto Town is Falling Down'. Although the majority of performing roles have been gendered, this was purely done for ease of script writing. All roles can be changed to suit whatever gender preference you have. There is no formal audition process to go through, and don't worry if you don't get the part you were hoping for, we will swap the size of roles and character roles around each production, so everyone gets a chance to be the STAR. Don't worry if you think you don't fit the role that you want or that you can't sing or dance ( little secret, the director can't either) it makes it all the more fun.
Performing Roles
Protan:- Protan is the main protagonist in the Panto. Is on a mission to help save Panto Town. Sometimes a bit ditzy. Friendly and cheerful. Is part of a few songs. Lives next door to Damey and shares lots of interaction with them.
Damey:- The traditional Panto Dame. Flirty, funny, quick witted and obsessed with custard pies. Likes to try and take charge. Has several songs.
Lady Panto:- The traditional Pantomime villain. Evil through and through and willing to do anything to get their own way. Has several songs.
Mayor:- Mayor of Panto Town. Bumbling along being evil and corrupt. Is Lady Panto's Partner in crime. Has several songs.
Narrator:- Introduces each scene and keeps the story going. Helps the villagers along their way..... or do they?
Stooge:- Lives with Lady Panto but is against their evil ways so tries to help the villagers.
Dog:- A stray, walking, talking dog that roams around the town, sticking their nose into peoples business. Has some singing parts.
Jeanie:- Not quite the traditional Pantomime Genie. Double denim wearing Jeanie that appears from a Lamp, to help or maybe hinder the villagers. Has several songs.
Ensemble 1:- Part of the ensemble but with some speaking parts in several scenes. Background character in the village.
Ensemble 2:- Part of the ensemble with slightly less speaking parts. Forms a double act with Ensemble 1. Background characters in the village.
Ensemble: - Part of the ensemble with a few lines throughout the Panto. Background characters in the village but is integeral to the play.
Backstage Roles.​​​​
Lighting Tech:- Helping set up and take down lighting, plus following the script to do the lighting as per the cue. Input in rehearsals to tweak lighting. No experience necessary.
Sound Tech:- Helping pre plan sounds before a performance. Setting up and checking sound levels on day of performance. Playing sounds as per the script, In put during rehearsals to tweak sounds. No experience necessary.
Stage hands:- Helping on show nights with scene changes on stage, and making sure props are on stage or ready for people to use, making sure peformers are ready for stage and generally helping out with anything needed back stage.
Front of House:- Helping out with everything non stage related. Setting up the seats before hand, checking tickets and showing people to their seats and generally being the point of contact for anyone.
Other roles:- We are always on the look out for people to help with costumes, scenery, prop making as well as help with choreography, directing and anything else you might want to help us with. Any help will add value and be greatly appreciated.